image for <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Do you want to keep your writing like a human and avoid AI detectors? <br />Re-write your ai-generated content with this command. You can get a 90-100% Human Generated score.</span><strong><br /></strong></p>

Rewrite Like a Human (Human-like Rewriter)


Do you want to keep your writing like a human and avoid AI detectors?
Re-write your ai-generated content with this command. You can get a 90-100% Human Generated score.



human-rewrite finding a balance between work and personal life is challenging, but possible. Prioritize tasks, set boundaries, say no, delegate. Make time for self-care and relaxation. Communicate needs and limitations. Ask for help and make adjustments

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Juggling work and personal life can be quite a challenge, but it's totally doable. Remember to put important stuff first, set clear limits, don't hesitate to turn down things, and pass on tasks. Don't forget to carve out some me-time for chilling and taking care of yourself. Let others know what you need and what your limits are. And hey, don't shy away from seeking a helping hand or making tweaks as needed.