image for <p>This command will identify the root cause of a problem or challenge with the famous: "The 5 Whys Method"</p>
<p>You only need to specify a problem or challenge you want to learn more about. The result will include:<br />Problem Statement, the five whys questions, the Root Cause Identification, the Validation, <span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">Solution Brainstorming, </span><span style="font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Open Sans', 'Helvetica Neue', sans-serif;">Solution Evaluation and Implementation Plan</span>,&nbsp; Conclusion, and Limitations.</p>

Root Cause Analysis: The Five Whys Method


This command will identify the root cause of a problem or challenge with the famous: "The 5 Whys Method"

You only need to specify a problem or challenge you want to learn more about. The result will include:
Problem Statement, the five whys questions, the Root Cause Identification, the Validation, Solution Brainstorming, Solution Evaluation and Implementation Plan,  Conclusion, and Limitations.



five-whys Entrepreneurs who decide to go back to 9-5 work

Output Preview:

Problem Statement: Entrepreneurs choosing traditional 9-5 employment over freelancing.

First Why: Many entrepreneurs return to 9-5 work due to unstable income as freelancers. This is evident through data showing irregular earnings and interviews with entrepreneurs who cite financial insecurity as their primary concern.

Second Why: The instability in freelancers' income is attributed to a lack of consistent client contracts. Analysis of freelancers' work history reveals a constant need to secure new projects.

Third Why: The need for new projects arises because freelancers struggle with marketing and business development. Interviews and surveys confirm that they spend significant time seeking clients, affecting their income stability.

Fourth Why: Freelancers' marketing challenges are rooted in inadequate skills and resources. The analysis reveals that many lack marketing expertise and struggle to allocate time and funds for marketing efforts.

Fifth Why (Root Cause): Insufficient marketing skills among freelancers are traced back to a lack of formal education and training in marketing strategies. Statistical analysis demonstrates a correlation between freelancers' marketing knowledge gaps and their income instability.

Solution Brainstorming:

  1. Education Programs: Develop affordable, specialized marketing courses for freelancers.
  2. Mentorship: Create mentorship programs connecting experienced marketers with freelancers.
  3. Freelancer Networks: Establish networks where freelancers can collaborate on marketing efforts.

Solution Evaluation and Selection: Prioritize solutions based on impact, cost-effectiveness, and alignment with the goal of income stability. Education programs and mentorship hold promise as they address the root cause directly.

Implementation Plan:

  1. Develop marketing courses in collaboration with industry experts.
  2. Launch mentorship programs.
  3. Create online platforms for freelancer networking.
  4. Monitor success through increased income stability and marketing skills.

Conclusion: The root cause of entrepreneurs choosing 9-5 employment over freelancing is the lack of formal marketing education for freelancers. To address this, implementing education programs and mentorship initiatives can empower freelancers with the skills needed to stabilize their income, aligning with broader economic goals.


  • Individual circumstances may vary, and other factors may influence career choices.
  • The effectiveness of solutions may require ongoing evaluation and adjustment.
  • Broader economic and industry-specific factors can impact the success of freelancers, which should be considered in a comprehensive analysis.